
Life between Water and Land ch.7

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Literature Text

The Kiss

Shadow was swimming down to the underwater city and was on his way home. But he spots something and he knew he was sure that it was his cousin again.
“Hmm…..” he swims to the figure.
It was his cousin Mefitis, she was making something magical.
"Mefitis, what are you doing?" Shadow asked her.
“None of your business!” Mefitis ignores him.
"Hmph! Is that so? I see you are making a pendent" Shadow moves her aside and saw she was making a pendent.
“So what?! What’s your problem?!” Mefitis pushed him aside roughly to continue her work.
"I believe you are hiding something, I'm still keeping an eye on you Mefitis" Shadow said angrily.
“Oh, shut up! Now go away” Mefitis growled.
"Yeah right!" Shadow scoffs and swims away from her.
“Hmph” Mefitis rolled her eyes and smirks evilly, “Tomorrow, Silver will love me” she chuckled evilly.

The Next Day
Silver woke up this morning and saw how Blaze was sleeping on his chest, he stroked her hair and she purrs happily in her sleep.
“*Puuuurrrrrrrr*” she purred and her tail wagged slowly.
He gets up and walked to the window to see the sea view of the city. The sun has risen and Silver stretched himself, “What a beautiful day it is”
He gets dressed up and soon Blaze woke up.
"Good morning, Silver" Blaze yawned.
“Morning, Blaze. Did you sleep well?” Silver said.
"I sure did, Silver” Blaze said, putting on her morning robe. Silver puts on his Hawaiian shirt and joins with her.
“So what should we do today? Swim in the beach or something?” Silver asked.
“Let’s swim in the beach” Blaze said.
“Okay” Silver grins.

They were in the water away from the citizens, Blaze has already took the water-breathing pills. Silver’s legs were now into tail fins again due to the seawater.
"Come on Blaze, follow me!" Silver moved his hand to come here. Blaze giggled and follows him. They dive down underwater to have some fun time together in the sea.
They swim nearly the reef and then the underwater city.
“Say, Silver. Was there anything magical or something that can turn a mobian into a mermaid?” Blaze asked, holding Silver’s hand while swimming.
"I'm not sure Blaze, but I've heard a kiss from a mer-hog will make you one if you are in the water" Silver said.
“Hmm…..let’s see if it works” Blaze said.
Silver leans in and kisses Blaze, a yellow aura surrounds Blaze and her legs becomes a purple tail with pink fins. Her shirt was replaced with pink seashell-like swimming bra.
“Oh, my god! I’m…..I’m a mer-cat!” Blaze squealed and touches her fins below her tail.
"Great! Let's go to my city and introduce you to my friends Sonic and Amy" Silver held Blaze close, happy that she's a mer-cat.
"Sure Silver, I wanna see the rest of the city too" Blaze said and they both swam to the city underwater. As Blaze swam like a fish, she didn’t realize that her fins could make her go fast.
“Wh-Whoa!” Blaze said.
"Easy Blaze, you'll get used to it" Silver held her arm, they swim past some apartment and from a far distance, Mefitis was watching them with an evil look on her face.
"Just wait until I show up" Mefitis grins.

Amy and Sonic was at their garden cutting some kelp.
"Isn't it a good day today, Sonikku?" Amy said to Sonic.
“You bet it is, Ames. Everyone swimming around and seeing smiles on their faces” Sonic said.
Just then, his iShellphone (iPhone) is ringing, he picks it up and answers.
"Hi Sonic, guess what. I got my girlfriend Blaze with me" it was Silver.
“That’s awesome, Silv. So how are you and Blaze doing?” Sonic asked through the phone.
"We're doing great, I just made her to a mer-cat" Silver answers.
"What? You turned her to a mer-cat?" Sonic's eyes widen in surprise.
“Yup. By a kiss” Silver said.
"Ah impressive" Sonic said and looks at Amy briefly.
"Why don't you come over with her and pay us a visit?" Sonic asked Silver then.
“Okay, we’re just on our way” Silver said.  
"Okay, bye" Sonic calls off and goes to Amy.
"So great for Silver by bringing his girlfriend here, Sonikku" Amy said.
"Yup, I wonder how she is" Sonic said, stroking his girlfriend’s hair.
“What do you mean?” Amy asked.
"I mean, if she's not so weird" Sonic tells her.
"Oh okay, I bet she's nice and kind" Amy smiled.

Few minutes later, Silver and Blaze found them and swims towards them.
“Hey, guys” Silver said.
"Hi, Silver. Oh, you must be Blaze" Sonic shaked hand with Silver and then sees Blaze, shaking her hand as well.
"And you must be Sonic" Blaze smirks.
“Yup, that’s me” Sonic grins.
“Wow, so you changed from a mobian cat to a mer-cat. Amazing” Amy said.
"Yeah, and what's your name?" Blaze asked her.
"The name's Amy Rose, Sonic's girlfriend" Amy said and gave her a friendly hug.
“Nice to meet you, Amy” Blaze said, hugging the pink mer-hog.
“Anyways, we’ll see you guys later. I got to help Blaze how to swim like us” Silver said.
"Okay, bye" both Amy and Sonic waved good bye to them. Blaze followed Silver to get to learn how to swim better.

They were at the seaweed field and Silver demonstrates how it’s done.
"Alright Blaze, it's like how you do the worm" Silver said.
"Okay, like this?" Blaze did the worm move but incorrectly.
“Wh-Whoa!” Blaze did this too fast and bumped into the seaweed.
Silver swims to her and helps her up, dusting off the sand and seaweed on her body.
"You're all right?" Silver asked her in concern.
"Yeah fine, never been better, I'll try again" Blaze shrugs it off and instead for the incorrect worm-move, she looked at how Silver swam.
“Okay, it’s like walking. So how do you swim slowly?” Blaze asked, trying to slow her tail a bit.
"Lift your tail up and down slowly, like this" Silver explaining, he lifts his tail up and down as he swam slower.
“Okay, let me try like you did” Blaze did exactly like Silver and she didn’t mess up this time.
Silver gets to her and pats her back.
"Good job Blaze, let’s go to my house" Silver said, being proud over his girlfriend.

Silvaze 4ever!
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Darkstar248's avatar
Out of curiosity, where does Amy calling Sonic "Sonikku" come from?